We solve the logistical needs of our clients relying on our teams located all over the world.


Storage and handling
We can store your goods in the warehouse that best suits your needs. Close to logistics centres for faster shipment management, or in areas with cheaper storage, if the goods need to be there longer, for handling or delivery on a specific date. We offer this service for general goods or those with temperature control.

Support and monitoring of documentation
Our team of experts will inform you of the documentation required by both the transport companies and the customs of the countries of origin, destination and transit, to avoid any delay in the transport. We constantly monitor the documentation and solve any unexpected problems that may arise.

Customs processing service
As a freight forwarder, we have our guarantees presented to Customs, which allows us to carry out the procedures on our behalf, without having to go to an intermediary, which would increase costs. We handle many products that, due to their nature or urgency, require special procedures for their processing, which makes us highly specialized in any process that we need to carry out.

Transport insurance
During transport, all goods are susceptible to some unforeseen event or incident, from a minor breakage to its complete disappearance, which is why in addition to choosing the packaging and packing that best suits the load, it is always advisable to take out goods insurance
Contact us
We are at Madrid Barajas Airport. Air Cargo Center.
Star Cargo, S.L.
Madrid Barajas Airport
Air Cargo Center
General Services Building
Office 105
28042 Madrid (Spain)
Coordinates GPS – N40.45712º – W003.58067º
You can call us at the following numbers
+34 91 393 72 25
+34 91 393 72 26
or send us a message to starcargo@star-cargo.com
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